Thirty Six Immortal Women Poets (女房三十六歌仙)

The term "Thirty Six Immortal Women Poets" refers to the thirty-six female poets whose poems were selected for the 'Poetry Contest of the Thirty Six Lady Poets,' which was established in the middle of the Kamakura period. This poetry contest was created based on the 'Thirty Six Master Poets Selection,' which was established by FUJIWARA no Kinto. In this contest, the poets of the Heian period (from ONO no Komachi through Sagami) were deployed on the left-hand side and the poets of the beginning of the medieval period (from Imperial Princess Shokushi through Sohekimon-in no Shosho) were deployed on the right-hand side, and then three poems were selected per poet to have them compete against each other. All the selected poets are seen in anthologies of Japanese poetry compiled by Imperial command.

[Original Japanese]